We are Christ centered, Spirit filled and Heaven bound!
Mt. Calvary Primitive Baptist Church

Motto: “I Need You, You Need Me, We Are All A Part Of God's Army".

Church History….1892 -
Let us take an imaginary journey back to our fore parents. The men and women who after prayerful consideration decided to organize a church as a place of worship for the Lord. They named the church, Mt. Calvary Primitive Baptist Church. Elder Earnest Harris served as Pastor. Other members were Sister Luella Harris, Brother Calvin Davis and Sister Flora Diva.
Over a century ago, many years and generations later; we can treasure and appreciate their loyal and dedicated decision, because we are still worshiping and praising God today.
This church has gone from a bush arbor located on a road near the Sanders' Estate, to a log cabin with a wooden box as a pulpit, to a white wooden building, to the present building at present location.

Mother Melinda Brown was the first member when the church was just a bush arbor.
PASTORS SERVING… 1892 – present. The late Elder Earnest Harris, The late Elder Joe Ford, The late Elder Dabe Gainous, The late Elder Lot Gainous. A New Building replaced the log cabin under the pastorate of Elder G. T. Morre, and the church was moved to its present location.

1922 – 1941
The late Elder Rubin Reed 1922 – 1930
The late Elder Cab Kelly 1930 – 1932
The late Elder T. B. Bisbee 1932 -1934
The late Elder G. T. Moore 1934 -1941.
In 1965, the present building was erected.
1941 -2016
The late Elder W. M. Green 1941 – 1943
The late Elder Robert B. Ivey 1943 -1951
The late Elder J. Jenkins 1951-1958
The late Elder Simon S. Simmons Sr. 1958 -1987.
The late Elder John G. Washington 1987 – 1995.
The late Elder Alvin J. Griggs 1996 – 2003.
Elder A. D. Bush served during the period of 2003-2015.
Elder Derrick Jackson joined the church family as an Associate Pastor 2011 - 2015.
Elder Charles A. Colson served as pastor of Mt. Calvary ~August 2016 - March 31, 2022
Presently serving as Pastor, Elder Lakendric Green~ August 13, 2023~
History made on Sunday, September 1, 2024, under the leadership of Pastor Lakendric Green
~the FIRST EVER License Women Preacher at Mt. Calvary Primitive Baptist Church:
Evangelist Elaine Henry Chavers and Evangelist Betty Carter.
Church School Superintendents that have served the church are the late Deacon Webster Byrd, the late Deacon Tyler Sanders, Jr. 1930 – 1975, the late Deacon Clemon L. Sanders 1975 -1997.
Deacon Albert Byrd 1997 to September 2023. Presently serving Deacon Wilfred Chavers.
Past Deacons that have served Mt. Calvary Primitive Baptist Church are the late Deacon Lee Anderson, the late Deacon Webster Byrd, the late Deacon Joseph Marshall, the late Deacon Jerry Nash, the late Deacon Tyler Sanders, Jr., the late McNeil Sanders, the late Deacon Roosevelt Sanders, the late Deacon Clemon L. Sanders, the late Deacon B. T. Wade, the late Deacon Nathaniel Walker, the late Deacon James Byrd, the late Deacon John G. Washington and the late Deacon Daniel Baggett.
Other Deacon who served Deacon Rudolph Byrd.
Deacons presently serving are:
Chairman~Deacon Daryl L. Chavers, Sr.
Vice Chairman ~Deacon Wilfred Chavers
Senior Deacon Albert Byrd
Deacon Sylvester Green.
Mt. Calvary has and will continue to grow and grow and grow. We the members must help to make it so. Every member must be a Christian and every Christian must be a worker. A worker that is not ashamed. This we pray in Jesus Name. Amen!